Talent Development Center

The Talent Development Center is an opportunity for players ages 4 and up with 2+ years of soccer experience (or kids who have been promoted from our weekly classes) and are looking for a more demanding environment to transform their potential into talent to move to the next level and play for our travel Team, Academy and Beyond.

This program is our introduction to competitive soccer that includes weekly practices and monthly small-sided games against other local clubs under the leadership of our experienced coaches to learn teamwork, effort, focus and measure their talent. By accepting a spot for this program, parents and players MUST understand the Creativity Soccer Pro PCDE’s to limit performance regression and develop players to become the best they can possibly be.

Psychological Characteristics of Developing Excellence (PCDE’s)

  • Commit year-round and role clarity
  • Planning and organization
  • Goal setting and self-reinforcement
  • Training & Practice
  • Realistic performance evaluation
  • Self-regulation
  • Creating and using a support network

Team Practice and Game

Weekly sessions run for 75 minutes and players are expected to attend all weekly scheduled practices and monthly games.

Most advanced players are invited to join the travel team of their age to start competing in the most notable league around the Metropolitan area such as Cosmopolitan Junior Soccer League (CJCSL), New York Club Soccer League (NYCSL) and play State Cup games to measure their talents.

Below are the locations that have Talent Developmental Center Practices and games. Find the closest location to register.​​ Spots are limited!

Marine Park (Marine Park)

Parade Ground (Caton Park)

Seaview Park (Canarsie)

Fort Green (Fort Green Park)

Crown Heights (Brower Park)

Park Slope (Prospect Park)